…the very next day was our club meeting on Thursday, 6 October. Our SAA, Neil Pettigrew, opened the meeting then introduced our president, Paul Andreas, who welcomed our five guests then gave a brief talk about mentoring. Richard Green, our VP of Mentoring, then encouraged everyone who did not yet have a mentor to come and see him so, if you would like to be a mentor or mentee, please give your name to Richard Green.
Our Toastmaster for the evening has a memorable name –his name is Paul Goodhill, who led the evening with his usual wit.
Our hot tip was given by Sue Shaw, on “the pause”. A reminder of this will follow, and will also be available to re-read on the Bromley Speakers website.
We were then entertained by three speeches: Jenny Andreas gave her Icebreaker speech and talked about “Her Journey” and Julie gave her speech number Two, talking about the difficulties of juggling a very demanding job with demanding young children. Richard Murray then entertained us with a humorous speech titled Dr Tim about the time that he got distracted when he was filling up his car and broke down on the motorway as a result. He had to call out Dr Tim to drain the petrol from his car to get going again. And this was the second time it had happened!!
Our Table Topics Master was Paul Lynch who came up with some difficult questions one of which completely flummoxed Anneliese.
The winners were Richard Murray for best speech, Richard Green for Best Evaluator and Sue Shaw for best Table Topic.
Paul Andreas, President