This meeting heralded the end of one Toastmaster year and the start of another. In celebration of the year past, thanking this year’s committee and welcome in the next, we extended our usual meeting to include a picnic in Riply Arts Centre’s wonderful garden. Na Rowland did a fantastic job of organising, with a delicious selection of sandwiches, snacks and drinks. A special mention has to go to our outgoing president David Hampton, who provided some outstanding home-made cakes, and to John Cross for generously supplying some bubbly fizz for us all to enjoy.
Following being suitably refreshed, we had a slightly extended and amended meeting format, with Marian Isola delivering our only prepared speech of the evening (on the subject of friendship), and Honey Sarion presiding over an extended table topics, where every member (and guest!) delivered an impromptu speech on a random and sometimes esoteric subject.

Kieran takes the presidential baton from David
As this was the final meeting of the Toastmaster year (which runs July to June), we welcomed in the new Committee (details of which you can find on our committee page), and our new president Kieran Mangan. A massive thank you an acknowledgement was passed to our outgoing president David Hampton for his outstanding contribution over the past year. There was widespread agreement that David has been one of our finest presidents.

Saadia becomes Toastmaster of the Year
Being the final meeting of the year, there were some awards to present. Saadia Alege received the prestigious ‘Toastmaster of the year’ award for her outstanding contribution as VP of Membership – the membership has gone from strength to strength under her stewardship. Also, club stalwart Alex Clark received the mysterious ‘District Triple Crown’ award, presumably for being simply a very awesome Toastmaster. Our regular award for the evening for the best Table Topic went to our newest member Dan.

Alex receives his award

Dan wins best Table Topic